The Boutique Cigar Association Stands United with the Premium Cigar Association in Historic Washington D.C. Meetings

by | Jul 11, 2023

Washington D.C. – July 31, 2023 The Boutique Cigar Association (BCA) embarked on a momentous journey to Washington D.C., joining forces with the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) to champion the cause of Boutique Cigars and all family-owned premium cigar companies. The BCA Board Members, led by Founder Dr. Gaby Kafie and President Armen Caprielian, held crucial meetings with esteemed representatives and officials to advocate for the protection and preservation of the artisanal and traditional premium cigar industry.

The day commenced with a pivotal meeting alongside the Cigar Congressional Caucus, during which PCA Staff, Carlito Fuente Jr., and Dr. Gaby Kafie delivered compelling presentations, furnishing valuable insights to all members of Congress in attendance. The gathering aimed to raise awareness of the unique nature of Boutique Cigars and emphasize the vital role played by family-owned businesses in this industry. The BCA’s main focus during this session was to demonstrate that premium cigars are a poor delivery tool for nicotine. Dr. Kafie presented arguments in support of premium cigars, which the very receptive Cigar Congressional Caucus found very appealing.

Following the enlightening session, the PCA and BCA staff came together to host an extraordinary cigar enjoyment session on the private balcony of the Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, situated within the hallowed halls of the U.S. Capitol. This exceptional event provided a platform for fostering camaraderie and understanding among industry stakeholders, policymakers, and enthusiasts alike.

Subsequently, the BCA team engaged in a productive dialogue with the lead counsel for the Small Business Administration, articulating their stance on the onerous regulation of premium cigars by the FDA. With clarity and determination, the BCA representatives conveyed that undue regulation and legal action leading to prohibition would endanger the existence of artisanal and traditional premium cigars, threatening the livelihoods of countless families and businesses within the industry and ancillary supporting businesses.

In addition to Dr. Gaby Kafie and President Armen Caprielian, the BCA delegation included esteemed members, BCA Secretary J.J. Jordan and Director of Marketing Cathy Poturny of Cigar Box Marketing. The united front displayed by the BCA and PCA teams during these meetings exemplified their dedication to safeguarding the heritage, craftsmanship, and innovation present within the boutique cigar industry.

The BCA represents over 55 family-owned cigar businesses, the majority brand owners. These companies, through their own manufacturing processes, directly and indirectly support the international tobacco farms, production facilities and families in Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and Haiti. Additionally, these same brands patronize the box makers, band creators, printers, collateral designers and domestic personnel. The impact of these business-dissolving legislative edicts destroys not only 55 independent companies but also the myriad of businesses internationally and domestically.

“This historic day marks a pivotal moment in the protection and preservation of the entire premium cigar industry,” stated Dr. Gaby Kafie, Principal Kafie 1901 Cigars. “The collaboration between BCA and PCA, along with the support of industry leaders, exemplifies our unwavering commitment to defending the values and traditions we hold dear.”

President Armen Caprielian, Owner DAV Cigars, further emphasized, “We came together as one to make the magic happen. Our collective efforts have strengthened our resolve to secure the future of boutique cigars and family-owned premium cigar companies.”

The Boutique Cigar Association remains resolute in its commitment to working alongside industry partners and government authorities to ensure the continued prosperity and thriving legacy of boutique cigars. By uniting in purpose, the BCA and PCA strive to champion the interests of this beloved industry, protecting its unique identity and cherished traditions.


Founded in August of 2016 by Dr. Gaby Kafie, The Boutique Cigar Association (BCA) allows cigar industry brands to join a community of companies and individuals that work together. Representing a growing network of cigar industry businesses, the BCA welcomes brands, retailers, wholesalers, distributors, accessories companies and connoisseurs of the cigar culture. The members share their collective knowledge and talents in an open forum to make a difference in the premium boutique cigar industry helping each other succeed. The BCA are members of PCA, CRA, and proud supporters of Cigars for Warriors.
Learn more at , your support is greatly appreciated.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Cathy M. Poturny | Director of Marketing BCA
1-516-978-8686 |





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