Gato Negro Cigars proudly presents its second cigar release

by | Mar 4, 2024

Gato Negro Cigars proudly presents its second cigar release, “Gato Negro,” marking a significant milestone in the brand’s journey to redefine the art of cigar craftsmanship. Inspired by tradition and infused with innovation, this cigar embodies the essence of Gato Negro’s commitment to quality, luxury, and unparalleled smoking experiences.

Crafted by master blenders and expert rollers, this cigar is a testament to Gato Negro’s dedication to excellence. Meticulously hand-rolled using select tobaccos sourced from the most prestigious regions, each cigar is a masterpiece of flavor, complexity, and sophistication.

Key features of Gato Negro include:

  1. Exquisite Blend: Showcases a carefully curated blend of premium tobaccos, meticulously selected for their distinct flavor profiles and exceptional quality, resulting in a harmonious and satisfying smoking experience.
  2. Craftsmanship: Every cigar is expertly handcrafted by skilled artisans, who meticulously roll and finish each cigar to perfection, ensuring consistency and excellence in every puff.
  3. Rich Flavor Profile: With notes of cedar, leather,pink peppercorn, licorice, red pepper spice and salt., Gato Negro offers a complex yet balanced flavor profile that evolves throughout the smoking experience, tantalizing the senses and leaving a lasting impression.
  4. Luxurious Presentation: Presented in elegantly designed packaging, adorned with the iconic Gato Negro logo, these bundled cigars exudes sophistication and luxury, making it the perfect choice for discerning enthusiasts and collectors alike, without the adding price for an unnecessary packaging.

“We are thrilled to introduce this cigar as our second and largest release,” said Drew Nicastro, President at Gato Negro Cigars. “With this blend, we have meticulously crafted a cigar that embodies the essence of Gato Negro – tradition, innovation, and uncompromising quality. We invite aficionados to experience the unparalleled luxury and sophistication of what Gato Negro has to offer.”

 Gato Negro Cigars is now available for purchase at select retailers locally. For more information and to locate a retailer near you, please visit our website at

For media inquiries, please contact:

Drew Nicastro,

About Gato Negro Cigars:

Blend Information:
Fillers- Nicaraguan (Estelí), Criollo 98 (Dominican)
Binder- Olor (Dominican)
Wrapper- San Andreas (Mexican)

City or Origin- Dominican Republic
Factory- Tabacalera Las Lavas S.R.L.
Size- 6×48 (Box-Pressed)
MSRP- $12.50 a cigar/ $125.00 Bundle of 10.
Packaging- Bundles of 10 with Display Tray to sell individually in shops. Measuring 4 in. by 6 in.
This will be a regular production cigar with the first run of 3000 cigars (300 Bundles)
To ship Locally at start on 3/25/24
Launch Party to take place on 3/29/24 from 6-9 pm
The Cigar Vault LLC.
409 E Poland Rd.
Bessemer, PA 16112

Our Story
Gato Negro was established between Drew Nicastro and a family member that attended a cigar convention together. Drew began to learn the history of his cousin by marriage and his troubling past as a young child living in the communist controlled Cuba. His father owned a store named El Gato Negro (The Black Cat). The story sold a little bit of everything, including cigars. Castro came a little at a time until he stole everything from him and his family. His parents fled with their children to American in fear of their lives. While walking to the ship communists lined their way to the boat, ripping anything of value off of all of them. At the same time they spat on them even on the youngest which was the cousin who was 4 years old at the time, they spat on them calling them rats for the leaving the revolution. They came to this country with nothing! The father worked for everything they now have today. He always wanted to honor his father and his legacy and this how Gato Negro Cigars was created. On that night the two bonded but phrase was said that has since become our slogan. “Cuban by Birth, American by the Grace of GOD.”





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