Gato Negro Cigars proudly presents its second cigar release, “Gato Negro,” marking a significant milestone in the brand’s journey to redefine the art of cigar craftsmanship. Inspired by tradition and infused with innovation, this cigar embodies the...
Dear Friends, We are thrilled to unveil a new addition to our portfolio of premium cigars. Collaborating closely with La Aurora Cigars, our company has embarked on an exciting journey to introduce a line of cigars that promises something sweet to your premium cigar...
Virginia – Fuerte y Libre Cigars Inc. (hereinafter “the Company”) hereby formally announces its rebranding to Fortaleza y Libre Cigars, effective immediately. This decision follows a previous trademark opposition initiated by Arturo Fuente Cigars in...
Kafie 1901 Cigars is thrilled to unveil new Fresh Packs designed to elevate both the retail and consumer experience with our premium cigar brand. At the upcoming 2024 PCA Trade Show, we will debut Fresh Packs, a new offering that combines convenience and quality....
Boutique Cigar Association Cutler Bay, Florida – The Boutique Cigar Association (BCA) is thrilled to announce the launch of its revamped website,, effective immediately. With a fresh new look and enhanced features, the website promises...
Next month, LaVega Cigar Co. will release The Nano, a petite gordo of sorts. Aaron Paoletta, founder of LaVega, says that Tony Bellatto of Bellatto Premium Cigars/Lost&Found played a crucial role in The Nano. The cigar was made at an undisclosed factory in...